обл.OdesaAvenue Shevchenkanumber 4

Avenue Shevchenka, 4 in Odesa

Odesa, Avenue Shevchenka, 4
46.457803 30.748407

businesses by address Avenue Shevchenka, 4 in Odesa

Online stores

Plumbing supplies store

Postal office

Plumbing wholesale

In the building with the address Avenue Shevchenka, 4, according to our data, are located and provide services 29 companies, among which: IT companies, Architecture bureau, ATM, Online stores, Information Security, Plumbing supplies store, Townhall, Ministries, departments, government services, Parks, Postal office and other.

  • In which district city of Odesa is the building at Avenue Shevchenka, 4?

    Building with the address Avenue Shevchenka, 4 located in Prymors'kyi Rayon city of Odesa.