Street Махачкалинская, 6 in Odesa

Odesa, Street Махачкалинская, 6
46.59163 30.799667

businesses by address Street Махачкалинская, 6 in Odesa

Grocery shops

Payment terminals

MonoBank terminal

Household goods

In the building with the address Street Махачкалинская, 6 in in city Odesa, according to our data, are located and provide services thirteen companies, among which: Vet clinics, Veterinary care at home, Bedding and accessories store, Grocery shops, Payment terminals, Restoration Workshop, Sports club, MonoBank terminal, Household goods, Dry cleaning and other.

  • In which district city of Odesa is the building at Street Махачкалинская, 6?

    Building with the address Street Махачкалинская, 6 located in Suvorovs'kyi Rayon city of Odesa.