Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52 in Odesa

Odesa, Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52
46.571796 30.781133

businesses by address Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52 in Odesa


In the building with the address Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52 in in city Odesa, according to our data, are located and provide services nine companies, among which: Road haulage, Courier services, Logistics company, Parking, Postal office and other.

  • In which district city of Odesa is the building at Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52?

    Building with the address Street Героев обороны Одессы, 52 located in Suvorovs'kyi Rayon city of Odesa.