Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107
Heroiv Praci 2300 м
50.024501 36.365761

businesses by address Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 in Kharkiv

Car wash


Household goods stores


Public toilet

Payment terminals


In the building with the address Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 in in city Kharkiv, according to our data, are located and provide services twenty companies, among which: Car wash, Pharmacy, Online stores, Water shops, Sausage shops, Shoe stores, Perfume and cosmetics shops, Beer shop, Gift shops, Grocery shops and other.

  • In which district city of Kharkiv is the building at Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107?

    Building with the address Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 located in Saltivskyi district (ex. Moskovskyi) city of Kharkiv.

  • What is the closest subway station to the building at Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 city of Kharkiv?

    Nearest subway station to address Avenue Traktorobudivnykiv, 107 is Heroiv Praci, which is located at a distance of about 2300 meters.