Street Korolenka, 3 in Dnipro

Dnipro, Street Korolenka, 3
48.46446 35.043863

businesses by address Street Korolenka, 3 in Dnipro

Automation of production

Real estate agencies

Auditing Companies

Business consulting

Accounting services

Engraving Work

Interior design

Additional education

Rail and air tickets

Publishing Services

Carnival, theater and dance costumes


Foreign language classes

Migration services

Vehicle monitoring

Outdoor advertising

Night clubs

Currency Exchange

Equipment for restaurants

Mobile operator

Printing Services

Assistance in obtaining visas and international passports

Work abroad

Consumables for office equipment

Advertising agency

Household appliances repair

Leather goods repair

Office equipment repair

Tablets and laptops repair

Smartphones and mobile phones repair

Bags, suitcases & luggage repair

Watch Repair

Design studios

Telecommunications companies


Products for creativity and crafts

Tour agencies

The educational center

Photo & copy center

Center for Advanced Studies

Large format printing

Jewelry repair shops

In the building with the address Street Korolenka, 3, according to our data, are located and provide services 115 companies, among which: IT companies, Automation of production, Real estate agencies, Attorneys at law, Clothing tailoring and repair atelier, Clothing repair atelier, Auditing Companies, Banks, ATM, Bars, pubs and other.

  • In which district city of Dnipro is the building at Street Korolenka, 3?

    Building with the address Street Korolenka, 3 located in Shevchenkivskyi district city of Dnipro.